Information technology and society: Results of the development of IT industry in Russia in 2014

22 December 2014

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation hosts the fourth meeting of the Expert Council on the development of the IT industry. The meeting was attended by heads of leading Russian and international IT companies, development institutions, and specialized IT associations and other organizations.

During the meeting the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov presented to the members of the expert council the results of the Ministry of Communications of Russia in the field of information technology industry in 2014 and presented the discussion of plans for departments in this area in 2015.

In 2014 it was possible to improve the conditions of existing preferences for IT companies and the introduction of new ones; the Ministry of Communications of Russia jointly with the Ministry of Defence of Russia has provided an increase of 35% in the number of budget places in universities for IT majors in 2015 compared with the year 2014; in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Russia and a number of IT companies, the Ministry of Communications of Russia successfully held a country-wide campaign "Hour of code" to promote information technology among students, which was attended by more than 800 thousand high school students. 

In 2014, by the construction of six industrial parks was once completed a comprehensive action program "Creation in Russian federation of technology parks in the field of high technology".

At the initiative of the Ministry of Communications of Russia in the framework of solving the problems on import substitution and development of the domestic IT industry at the Council of Experts were organized additional working groups for the development of critical types of software.

Totally were formed six working groups on the six types of critical software: client OS, cloud and server operating systems and virtualization, database management systems, office software for collaborative software engineering and software for mathematical modeling and geographic information systems.

In 2015 will be carried out an optimization of the departmental system of education for the development of the information technology industry, will be a pilot project for the development of the school and their subsequent scaling to all regions of the country, were launched projects to promote IT as a field of activity, together with other authorities and institutions development will be implemented a work to support the export of domestic IT products.