World culture: The exhibition, dedicated to the image of Madonna in paintings of the era of the Renaissance from museums of Italy, in Moscow

22 December 2014

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) presents the exhibition "Piero della Francesca and his contemporaries. The image of the Madonna in paintings of the era of Renaissance from museums of Italy". The exhibition continues the tradition of exploring the works of the great masters of the Renaissance provided the largest art collections in Italy - Venetian Accademia Gallery, the National Gallery Marche of Urbino.

In Christian tradition Madonna holding a baby in her arms - the central plot, as in the Byzantine iconography and painting of the Italian Renaissance, and the image of Our Lady is in the center of the story of salvation.

The exposition features works of artists of the second half of the XV century, united by one theme - Madonna and Child. In addition to their exceptional artistic value the works allow us understanding that between the Western and Eastern Christian traditions are not only the differences but also the profound similarities. The exhibition allows the viewer to gain insight into how during the Renaissance one of the main Christian images was understood and interpreted.

The center of the exhibition - the famous painting by Piero della Francesca "Madonna with Blessing Child and two angels", or "Madonna of Senigallia" (1491) from the National Gallery of Marche in Urbino. In the art solution a special role plays coloration, built on a combination of white and shades of blue and gray. The manner of transmission of light and air shows acquaintance of Piero della Francesca with the achievements of Dutch painters.

The exhibition also shows the work of his contemporaries Piero della Francesca, whose work is connected with the cities of northern Italy. These are works by Giovanni Bellini, Carlo Crivelli, Cosimo Tura.

The exhibition "Piero della Francesca and his contemporaries. The image of Madonna in paintings of the Renaissance of Italian museums" gives the Russian audience another rare opportunity to see the work of Piero della Francesca, Cosimo Tours, Carlo Crivelli, Giovanni Bellini, whose works are not in the collection of national museums.