Peoples of the world: The exposition complex “Armenians in Stavropol” opened

21 December 2014

December 19, 2014 in the hall of ethnography of the G. N. Prozritelev and G. K. Prave Stavropol State Museum-Preserve took place the opening of the exhibition complex "Armenians in the Stavropol region".

The diversity of the peoples of the Stavropol region is reflected in the exhibition hall of ethnography of the Museum-Reserve, formed in 1993. However, long time the exposition has been incomplete. It did not present Armenian cultural traditions - one of the most numerous ethnic groups living in the region.

The history of this nation in the Stavropol region can be rightly considered centuries-old. Yet in 1799 Emperor Paul I signed the "highest diploma", according to which the Armenians-migrants from the Ottoman Empire were allocated land for the construction of housing, and allowed to engage in economic activities, and were allowed to "establish a city on the site where they there were old Majari, with the name thereof Holy Cross" (now - Budennovsk city).  

Now Armenians - the second largest ethnic group in the region, the people who made a significant contribution to the socio-economic, political and cultural life of the region.

On this basis, an important task was the creation of the museum personnel has become the exposition complex, which could tell about the life and traditions of Armenian immigrants. Its creation is a unique experience of cooperation between the museum and the Armenian national-cultural autonomy "Nairi".

Henceforth complex "Armenians in the Stavropol region", being part of the exhibition hall of ethnography, is available to all citizens and guests of the region, who want to visit the museum.