Russian regions: The exhibition “Suzdal in Faces”

18 December 2014

In the museum complex “Spaso-Euthymius Monastery” of the city of Suzdal (Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve) was opened the exhibition “Suzdal in Faces”.

The exhibition features photographs of several generations of Suzdal residents of the end of the XIX – XX century from the collection of the State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.

The visit of a photographer was a great family event. The family usually was presented full, all posing for a picture trying to put on the best clothes. The pictures were made usually on the most important events and celebrations: weddings, send-off for military service, receipt or the end of the course of study in schools and so on.

The family albums of Suzdal residents – the Luzhnovs, the Arefievs, the Zhiliny, the Sherstnevs – were preserved pictures of professional photographs from Moscow, Vladimir, Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Suzdal.

The exhibition features collective photographs of clergy, teachers and students of various Suzdal institutions, theatre groups, government officials, police and football teams. 

A photographic series of the exhibition is added and created more diverse with the help of documentary complex. The presented items at different times were given to Suzdal residents in the collection of the State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.