The Russian language and society: The Interregional conference “Actual problems of teaching Russian (native) language” in Ryazan
December 15-17, 2014 the S. A. Yesenin Ryazan State University holds the Interregional conference “Actual problems of teaching Russian (native) language”, the purpose of which – is to unite the efforts of the educational community, prominent scientists to identify and address the problems of teaching Russian (Native) language in educational institutions of Russia, the improvement of the content and methods of the language education, the promotion of the Russian language.
The conference is organized within the framework of the following directions:
1. The Russian language as a factor of the formation of a national identity, spiritual and intellectual development of the individual.
2. Modern textbooks of the Russian language and educational-methodical complexes.
3. Traditions of the national methodical school in teaching the Russian language.
4. The system of the study and retraining of teachers of the Russian language as part of the Federal State Educational Standard.
5. The Russian language, Russian word, Russian literature in the Aspect of the school education.
6. Innovation approaches in teaching Russian language and the speech development within the framework of the FSES.
7. Features of teaching the Russian (native) language and the speech at the preschool and general education.
8. The formation of meta subject skills in the Russian language in the system of the general education. The preparation for the OGE and EGE.
9. Modern language situation and its influence on language development of students.
At the roundtables will be considered the following topics:
- Ways and forms of teaching the Russian language multiethnic composition of classrooms.
- Actual problems of the implementation of OGE in Russian language.