Internet and Culture: the Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy are released online, but "All of Tolstoy in One Click" project continues

12 December 2014

The complete works of Leo Tolstoy are released on the Internet: all 90 volumes are published in PDF, ePub, fb2, mobi and html formats. Since now all these works are available for free downloading from any device, as a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. This was made possible owning to the unique crowdsourcing project titled "All of Tolstoy in One Click" that was organized by the "Yasnaya Polyana" State National Park and Museum of Leo Tolstoy and ABBYY Company.

Digitized within the project 90-volume collection is the most complete gathering of Leo Tolstoy’s works. In addition to well-known novels, narratives and the short stories, the collection includes 13 volumes of diaries and notebooks, including 31 volumes of letters, children's and youth literature experiments of Tolstoy, plays and articles on various themes.

Dedicated to the results of the project press conference was held on December 11, 2014, at the State Museum of Leo Tolstoy.