World Culture: "Ancient Theatre: the Coordinate System. Time and Space of the Ancient Greece Theater" exhibition in St. Petersburg

11 December 2014

"Ancient Theatre: the Coordinate System. Time and Space of the Ancient Greece Theater" book exhibition was opened on December 10, 2014, in the new building of the National Library (St. Petersburg).

The exhibition is dedicated to the history of the ancient theater as an appearance, to its existence and its current perception. The library’s visitors will learn about the origins of the ancient theater, its architecture and organization, its symbols, genres and performance model.

One section is devoted to the works of ancient playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and the continuity of traditions of antiquity in modern drama (in the works Giraudoux, Anouilh, Cocteau).

Among the exhibits are works of ancient Greek play writers such as Euripides ("Iphigenia in Aulis", "Medea", "The Bacchae"), Aristophanes ("Frogs", "Wasp") and others.

The reproductions of theatrical masks and scenes associated with the theater of Ancient Greece are complementing the exposition.

The exhibition will continue until January 25, 2015.