History of Russia: The "Hunting at Court of Tsar. From Collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums" in Vladimir

11 December 2014

The "Hunting at Court of Tsar. From the Collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums" exhibition opens on December 11, 2014, in Vladimir-Suzdal National Park and Museum.

The exhibition in Vladimir continues a tradition of displaying exhibits of Moscow Kremlin Museums in Russia and shows its famous collection of the king's hunting weapon and equipment. None of the museums in Russia has such a collection of artistic and historical rarities, since the head palace offices that were in charge of the royal hunting were quartered exactly in the Moscow Kremlin at the beginning of the XVIII century. Here, in the Kremlin armorer shops the extant hunting weapons and equipment had been assembled for the Russian monarchs of the XVII century. At the beginning of the XIX century ancient treasury was enriched with collections of hunting weapons of the XVIII century’s emperors.

More than eighty unique exhibits tell about the different types of hunting, the tastes and personal preferences of the Russian tsars and emperors XVII - XVIII centuries.

A portrait gallery of the kings-hunters accompanies the treasures of the Royal Armory and the Stables Chest, the road equipment items, and the belonging to Russian monarchs best examples of hunting weapons.

The exhibition is attention-grabbing to anyone, who wants to get acquainted with the unique pieces of Moscow Kremlin Museums, to find out about the ceremonies that were accompanying the royal hunt with its chasing sights, and about the most preferable among these in a views of the ruler’s and the gran persona’s of Russia in XVII - XVIII centuries.