President of Russia: Vladimir Putin addressing to the Federal Assembly noted the importance of working with the younger generation
December 4, 2014 Vladimir Putin made his Annual Address to the Federal Assembly.
Those present for the Address included members of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, members of the Government, heads of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, regional governors, heads of regional legislative assemblies, heads of Russia’s traditional religious faiths, public figures, including heads of regional public chambers, and the heads of Russia’s biggest media outlets.
In his speech, the President noted: "We will defend the diversity of the world… actively promote the business and humanitarian contacts, scientific, educational and cultural ties…Our goal - to get as much as possible equal partners - both in the West and in the East".
Also, Vladimir Putin, in his speech paid attention to the younger generation. He said that talented children are the heritage of the nation.
The President reminded that yesterday the students for the first time in many years wrote an essay. According to him - it is an important tool to assess the completeness and quality of students' knowledge.
According to Putin, it is necessary to consider measures to support those who are already in school to prove themselves. According to his instructions, additional support is needed for those "who are already in school showed a tendency to technical and humanitarian creativity, to the invention, has achieved success in national and international intellectual and professional competitions, has patents and publications in scientific journals".
"I suggest that for these kids entering college each year to provide five thousand presidential grants. The grant will be 20 000 rubles a month", - said the President of Russia.
Vladimir Putin also noted the importance of the quality of teachers’ work.