2015 Year’s of Russian Literature opening ceremony in Moscow
The opening ceremony of the Year of Russian Literature, with participation of the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, will take place on January 28, 2015, in the Moscow Art Theatre named after Anton Chekhov (MHAT). The MHAT actors will present the “Reading Coterie” literary and art composition featuring the excerpts from Russian classic and contemporary poetry.
"The choice of venue for the opening ceremony of the Year of the literature is quite emblematic. The performances of A. P. Chehov Moscow Art Theatre always had a great literary core. Since the beginning in the theatre’s repertory were lots of fantastic in quality productions of Russian and foreign classic pieces. "Reading Coterie", as we all hope, will be heard as a powerful chord announcing the beginning of the year of literature", - the head of Rospechat Michael Seslavinsky commented on of the upcoming ceremony