Memory of Russia: The bust of Alexander I to be erected in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum
As part of solemn events dedicated to the opening of the Year of Literature in Russia, taking place in the National Pushkin Museum, the bust of Alexander I is erected on the Tsarkoye Selo Lyceum.
“The opening of the monument on the Museum-Lyceum is timed to two vents – the Year of Literature and the 200th anniversary of the meeting of young Pushkin and the poet Derzhavin in the premises of the legendary Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, - said at the ceremony the Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia Elena Milovzorova. – Of course the fact that the lyceum was founded in the suburbia palatial residence by decree of Alexander I is makeable”.
Emperor’s bust, redeemed from private collection, was erected in the lobby of the Lyceum.
Pushkin, who lifelong honored brotherhood and lyceum tradition, devoted to the lyceum many poems. Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum’s graduates were also Ivan Pushchin, Anton Delvig, Wilhelm Kiichelbecker, Admiral of the Russian fleet Fedor Matyushkin, writer Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, a distinguished diplomat and Chancellor of the Russian Empire Prince Alexander Gorchakov.