Society and church: The XXIII International Christmas Educational Readings in Moscow

21 January 2015

January 21-23, 2015 in Moscow are held the XXIII International Christmas Educational Readings. With the blessing of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill in 2015 will be celebrated the centenary of the demise of Grand Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles. The theme "Prince Vladimir. Civilization choice of Russia" will be the central for the participants of Readings.

The Readings will be open on January 21, 2015 at the State Kremlin Palace. January 22 in the State Duma will be held the III Christmas Parliament meetings. As part of Parliament meetings will be held round tables, dedicated to topical issues of interaction of church and state.

January 22-23, as part of the 18 main directions at various sites of Moscow will be held more than 160 events, dedicated to contemporary development of Church, the system of Orthodox education, the youth policy and church charity. Some events will be held on the eve of the opening and after the official program of Readings. The participants will pay a special attention to the celebration of the 1000 anniversary of the repose of the Baptizer of Rus’ Prince Vladimir.

The solemn closing of the XIII Christmas readings will take place on January 23 in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. At the end of eh forum will be adopted the final document of the XXIII International Christmas Educational Readings.

The International Educational Christmas Readings are held in Moscow annually under the chairmanship of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. In 2014 the Christmas Readings were attended by more than 15 000 people.

For many years, the main organizer of the Christmas Readings is Synod Department for Religious Education and Catechesis with the participation of all the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church structures.