Electronic resources: The electronic encyclopedia “Outstanding cultural figures of the Kemerovo region” created
The V. D. Feodorov Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library with the support of the Department of Culture and National Policy of Kemerovo region started to create an electronic encyclopedia "Outstanding cultural figures of the Kemerovo region".
The purpose to create the encyclopedia is to inform Kuzbass citizens of the life and work of people who have made a significant contribution to the development of culture and art of the Kemerovo region; creating a positive image and role of cultural workers in public and political life of the region.
Encyclopedia is a corporate project, which involves all the institutions of culture and art of the region, controls on the culture areas, creative unions. Processing, editing and posting the information on an electronic resource by workers of the Regional Scientific Library.
Electronic resource is a database that includes biographical information and photographs of art and culture. Also on the page you can find the publication of a cultural figure and links to articles about him in the media. For the convenience of users are indicated several kinds of indexes: names, geographical, will also appear on the division of cultural spheres of activities (museums and libraries, theater, state and municipal administration, and others).
Even today, at the website of the Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library, you can get acquainted with the first record encyclopedia. The work will be carried out actively throughout 2015, according to the results it is assumed that more than 1,000 people will be reflected in the "golden fund of the Kuzbass culture".
Project organizers invite all interested individuals and organizations for the most complete presentation of information in the encyclopedia "Outstanding cultural figures of the Kemerovo region".