Internet and history: The regional Internet project “Forever Alive: Stavropol remembers the war”

20 January 2015

On the eve of celebrating in 2015 of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of the A. E. Yekimtsev Stavropol Regional Children's Library presents a regional online project "Forever Alive: Stavropol remembers war", dedicated to the history of Stavropol region during the war.

Created by specialists of the library a themed online resource "Forever Alive" includes the following sections: a parade of heroes, historical information about the Stavropol region during the war, documentary photo chronicle of the war years, a selection of works by writers and Stavropol poets about the war, information and bibliographical material, useful links, and so on.

In general, the resource is a regional interactive site where a significant role in the creation and updating materials is given by the user.

As part of the project, users can publish at a dedicated website under the heading "Parade of Heroes" an information about their relatives who participated in the war (at the front and in the rear, and the like), as well as materials about the memorial places (streets, memorials etc.) of the city or village (within the Stavropol region), related to the events of the war years.

To take part in filling the local history resource can young children, rural libraries of Stavropol Territory, their parents, relatives and all those who wish to contribute to the creation of a virtual parade of heroes and collective historical and geographical memory card Stavropol.

In addition to factual information about the memorial places young readers of the library have the opportunity to place on the resource, and their creative work on military-patriotic theme - as literary works (essays, essays, poems, etc.) and video presentation based on books read about the war.

It is planned that the resource will be created to function as an interactive site on a regular basis, regularly updated with new materials. Address of the resource "Forever Alive" in the Internet: