Museums of the world: The exhibition to the 80th anniversary of the Russian Cultural and Historical Museum of Prague to be open in Moscow

18 January 2015

The exhibition "To Preserve for Russia. To the 80th anniversary of the Russian Cultural-Historical \museum in Prague" will be open at the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow) in May 2015.

The theme of the cultural heritage of the first wave of emigration attracts attention with its versatility and richness poorly known material. As you know, in Prague in 1920-1930 years was a major scientific and artistic center of the Russian Diaspora.

The exhibition presents the history of one of the enclaves of the national culture in Europe, the first and only national museum abroad - Russian Cultural-Historical Museum in Prague. The exposition consists of works donated by artists living in Paris, director of the museum V. F. Bulgakov (the last personal secretary of Leo Tolstoy, later - the director of the museum in Yasnaya Polyana).

Among the works presented at the exhibition - the work of N. S. Goncharova, N. K. Roerich, M. V. Nesterov.