Society and book culture: Exhibitions “Religious subjects in graphic arts” and “Miniature manuscripts” in Moscow
January 16 – February 10, 2015 in the Museum of Ex-libris and Miniature book (Moscow) are held exhibitions “Religious subjects in graphic arts” and “Miniature manuscripts” from private collections.
The exhibition “Religious subjects in graphic arts” presents reproductions of works by famous masters (F. Barozzi, P. Veronese, V. Dietrich, B. Dolce, B. Mourillo, P. Rubens et etc.), implemented in the technique of lithography, etching, woodcuts of European and Russian artists of the XIX century (J. Baranowski, G. Kulbakh, F. Frankl, F. Hanfsting and etc.).
The exhibition “Miniature manuscripts” presents miniature and small-format manuscripts, “columns”, (scrolls) on paper and parchment, facilitates for writing (write) on birch bark, goose quills and inkwells (XVII-XIX centuries).