Museums and society: The Lower villa of Nicholas II to be restored in Peterhof

12 January 2015

In the park Alexandria of the Museum-Reserve “Peterhof” will be recreated the Lower villa of the emperor Nicholas II. This was the favorite country residence of the last Romanovs, where the royal family traditionally spent simmer and early autumn. Before the Great Patriotic War in the house were completely retained its original interiors in the Art Nouveau style and the richest collection of photographs. In the end of 1930s the palace was turned into the holiday house of the NKVD, and in 1961 the suffered under Nazi occupation building was decided to blow up. The opportunity to restore a unique monument of history and culture was being discussed for decades. Now the decision is made.

The Lowe villa of Alexandria is an outstanding monument with a tragic fate. It was there Nicholas II signed a manifesto on Russia’s entry to the First World War, and there was also born the only son of Nicholas and Alexandra – Cesarevitch Alexei.

Fir his time the Lower villa was a model of engineering and construction technology: a full electrification, water supply, telephone.

The adoption of the concept should be followed by detailed design to recreate villa. According to the directorate of the museum, taking into account the financial situation, this process can take up to two years.