Museums of Russia: The VI Annual Scientific-Practical Conference “Palaces and events. To the 300 anniversary of the Grand Peterhof Palace” to be held in Peterhof
April 27-28, 2015 the State Museum-Reserve “Peterhof” announces the VI Annual Scientific-Practical Conference “Palaces and events. To the 300th anniversary of the Grand Peterhof Palace”.
The following topics will be discussed:
∙ The Grand Peterhof Palace - three centuries of history;
∙ Event history of palaces of Russia and Europe, existing of the imperial residences;
- To the anniversary of the Great Victory: events of war and after war life of palaces-museums;
∙ Memorable dates in the history of palaces and modern research and museum work;
∙ New museum as an event;
∙ Museum exhibitions: the production of events.
∙ Witnesses and participants of the events: research of museum audience.
The conference welcomes historians, art critics, cultural workers, architects, designers, public relations specialists, workers of museum, research and educational institutions.