Society and reading: The X Saint-Petersburg International Book Salon to take place in May 2015
From 21 to 24 May 2015 in St. Petersburg will be held the X St. Petersburg International Book Salon.
The organizers of the Book Salon are the Government of St. Petersburg and the Russian Book Union. The exhibition is supported by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.
Campaign period of the Salon are timed to the Day of the foundation of St. Petersburg, which will surely attract the event not only additional visitors, but also the attention of officials.
The main event of the business program Book Salon will be the holding of various events in the Year of Literature in Russia, International Writers Forum, aimed at support and development of reading in Russia, promotion of Russian literature in the region and access to the international level, the Conference of Writers and Russian Congress of young writers who gather in St. Petersburg writers from across the country. Particular attention will be paid to the support of children's literature and the promotion of children's reading.
The business program will be attended by officials, heads of publishing houses, bookseller networks, Russian and international experts, writers, representatives of various funds supporting publishing projects, representatives of the library and education communities and cultural figures.
The Presidential Library will also participate in the International Book Salon.
The forum provides an extensive professional program aimed at training professional workers in the industry through communication with the leaders of the book market, participation in seminars and workshops.