Museums of Russia: The Moscow Kremlin Museums acquired the building of the Middle Trading Rows

25 February 2015

President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the transfer of the Moscow Kremlin Museums of Middle Trading Rows on the Red Square. After the completion of construction and installation work and commissioning the building will be used as a multifunctional exhibition complex.

The expansion project of one of the most popular Russian museums was developed back in 2013. The Moscow Kremlin Museums have one of Russia's largest collections of historical artifacts - about 160 thousand units. A part of this collection did not even put up a review of visitors since the total exhibition area of ​​the Moscow Kremlin Museums - a little more than two thousand square meters.

After President of Russia Vladimir Putin visited the stores of the Armory, he offered to transfer the museum an area of ​​so-called Middle Trading Rows. This is a complex of buildings on the Red Square, built in 1889 by architect Roman Klein. Since the 30s of the XX century the building was given the command of the Navy of Russia.

"In the Armory will remain primarily that due to the state symbols, with state symbols, coronation, - said General Director of the Museum-Reserve "The Moscow Kremlin" Elena Gagarina. - In the Patriarchal Palace, I hope we will be doing a lot of exhibitions devoted to the patriarchate in Russia. A number of icons and church utensils, which are now in storage, will be transferred to a new exhibition area".

The work on a new multi-purpose exhibition complex has been going on for 2 years. After the transfer of the building the usable area will be increased to 80 thousand square meters, and the museum will be able to attend for 4 million people a year.