Museums of Russia: The Dostoevsky House-Museum in Staraya Russa to be restored by the 1000 anniversary of the city

19 February 2015

The F. M. Dostoevsky House-Museum in Staraya Russa of the Novgorod region will be restored on the eve of the 1000 celebration of the city.

Restoration works in the House-Museum, which is the cultural object of federal importance, are planned as part of the implementation of federal target program “Culture of Russia (2012-2018)”.

The House on the bank of the Pererytitsa River was rented by the family Dostoevsky, after arriving in Staraya Russa in 1872, at the retired Colonel A. K. Gribbe, and after his death, they bought the building. In Staraya Russa Dostoevsky wrote the novels "Demons", "Teenager", "The Brothers Karamazov", the Pushkin Speech, articles for the "Diary of a Writer". Two years after the death of Dostoevsky, in 1883, the writer's widow officially announced the opening of a museum in his home. In 1918, after the Revolution and the death of Anna Dostoyevskaya the house was nationalized. In 1921 it opened the Staraya Russa Museum of History, from 1930 to 1941 housed the club and a dormitory for teachers. During the the Great Patriotic War the house of the Dostoevsky was badly damaged: the roof terrace was burnt. But it was rebuilt by winter 1944-45. The Dostoevsky Museum opened here again in 1981. Today it is a branch of the Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve.