History of Russia: The exposition “The Legend of Mamai” in Tula

18 February 2015

February 17, 2015 in the Museum and Exhibition Center “Tula Antiquities” (Tula) was opened the unique exposition “The Legend of Mamai”. It opening is timed to the Year of Literature in Russia, the celebration of the 635th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo and the 50th anniversary of the Museum of the Battle of Kulikovo.

“The Legend of Mamai” is one of the most popular works of Russian Middle Ages – was created in the end of the XV century based on the oral legends and chronicle texts, telling of the battle in 1380. There are more than 150 lists of the “Legend”. During the time of Ivan the Terrible the word about the Battle of Kulikovo became a part of the ten illustrated chronograph. The description of the battle near Don and Nepryadva there was added with 190 wonderful executed miniatures.

The main motto of the new exposition – “Touching allowed!”. Here you can not only touch the medieval weapons and armor, to feel their weight, to compare their armor-piercing and protective qualities, but also to try to weave chain mail or to make plate armor.

The new exposition in “Tula antiquities” will run both in interactive sessions, specially designed by museum educators, and in free visit mode. The main visitors will of course be children. However the adults are also welcomed. The information, presented here, is available and interesting to all visitors.