Memory of the world: The exhibition “Time has chosen us” to the Remembrance Day of the Russians, who performed the duty outside the Fatherland, in Tula
Memory of the world: The exhibition “Time has chosen us” to the Remembrance Day of the Russians, who performed the duty outside the Fatherland, in Tula
15 February 2015
The Museum of Military History of the Tula region hosts the exhibition "Time has chosen us", dedicated to the participants of the Afghan war (1979-1989 years). The exhibition is timed to the memory of the Russians, to perform their duty outside of the Fatherland, which is celebrated in our country on February 15, as it was February 15, 1989 from Afghanistan were withdrawn Soviet troops.
The exhibition features numerous exhibits granted to state custody to the museum by Tula residents - participants in the war in Afghanistan, as well as their relatives. This personal belongings of participants of the Afghan war, for example, headset, "Afghan", watches, cameras, books, photos and other items.