History and culture: The exhibition “In the face of power of beauty” in Saratov

14 February 2015

February 12, 2015 in the SA. N. Radischev Saratov State Art Museum opened an exhibition "In the face of power of beauty".

It features paintings and graphic works by masters of Russian interior of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries from the Radischev Saratov State Art Museum, the State Russian Museum, the Stavitsky Penza regional art gallery, the Yaroslavl Art Museum, and sculptures and objects of decorative art from the collection of the Radischev Museum.

Salon art – a full, common and yet little-studied phenomenon of artistic life in Russia in the second half XIX - early XX centuries. Salon artists sought not only to please the tastes of the public. They put into practice their ideas about the ideal of beauty, embodied in his features portraits, landscapes and genre and historical paintings. The purpose of this exhibition - to draw attention to the Russian salon art and creativity of its most famous representatives, show features of salon art in a variety of genres of painting.

The exhibition shows works by the most prominent representatives of Russian salon painting of this period.