Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “Knight of the theatre Alexei Alexandrovich Bakhrushin. To the 150th birth anniversary” in Moscow

14 February 2015

The exhibition "Knight of the Theater Alexei Alexandrovich Bakhrushin. To the 150th birth anniversary" was opened on February 13, 2015 in the A. A. Bakhrushin Theater Museum (Moscow) to the anniversary of the founder of the National Museum of Theater.

Alexei Bakhrushin – a hereditary honorary citizen of Moscow, industrialist, manufactures adviser, honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, vowel City Council, philanthropist and benefactor professional. At the end of the XIX century, having a capital of 6 million rubles the Bakhrushins invested the same amount in charity. 

"Bakhrushin made a unique contribution to the history of Russian theater, creating a theater museum, the first in Russia and one of the first in the world - writes in the exhibition catalog of its curator, CEO of the A. A. Bakhrushin Museum Dmitry Rodionov. - In Europe and the Russia theatrical collections existed before, in the form of archives at the theater, but there was no country in the Theatre Museum as an independent institution. The history of the theater, thanks to Bakhrushin became reified. Amazing integrity of the person Alexei Alexandrovich was expressed in the fact that in difficult revolutionary year he did not refuse from any of the museum, nor from the Fatherland".  

At the anniversary exhibition in the restored to the birthday of Alexei Alexandrovich Coach house, visitors will see the original objects that characterize the era in which Bahrushin and his contemporaries lived, from the museum collections. They will "meet" paintings by brilliant representatives of Russian theatrical decorative art, portraits of Alexei Alexandrovich, his genus, the family.

In the center of the Coach house, on a large white table, - a symbol of transmission by Bakhrushin of a collection to State on November 25, 1913 - presented a unique handwritten material from the fund Alexei Alexandrovich never exhibited before, for example, a sheet of recording of the first admission to the museum collection or an official refusal to reinstate him Bakhrushin civil rights. Among the exhibits - personal belongings of Bakhrushin and his family.

The exhibition will run until March 15, 2015.