Archives and Russian museums: The exhibition of documents of the Russian State Historical Archive to the 250th anniversary of the State Hermitage Museum opened in Saint-Petersburg

12 February 2015

February 5, 2014 in the Exhibition hall of the Federal State Archives in Saint-Petersburg was held the solemn opening of the historical and documentary exhibition “From private collection to the Imperial museum”, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the State Hermitage Museum.

The organizers of the exhibition: the Federal Archival Agency, the Russian State Historical Archive, with the participation: the Central State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents of Saint-Petersburg, the State Hermitage Museum.

The exposition features truly priceless documents from the collections of the Russian State Historical Archive: the Office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty, the office buildings of HIH homes and gardens, Collections of plans and drawings of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, stored in the collections and archives covering the history of pre-revolutionary buildings of the Winter Palace and Hermitage buildings, the formation of a unique museum collection.

A special interest is in documents about the acquisitions of collections of Count G. Bruhl, Count L. Cobenzl, Count G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky, Countess A. G. Laval, paintings from the Venetian Palace Barbarigo, as well as the picturesque cabinet of F. Tronchen, projects of the finishing of New Hermitage by architect L. von Klentse.

For the first time in the Exhibition hall of federal state archives in Saint-Petersburg is exhibited a great number of drawings and paintings of the museum interior: Field marshal, White halls, Galleries of War of 1812, the Hermitage Theater, libraries.