Memory of Russia: Day of Memory of the died during the Civil War in the Far East

12 February 2015

Every year in the Jewish Autonomous Region people recollect the date of the Battle of Volochayevka 1922, which became a symbol of the final disposition of foreign intervention against our country, the strengthening of the Russian authorities in the Far East of Russia, the completion of the civil fratricidal war.

The day of completion of the Volochaevsky fight - February 12 – is declared in the territory of the JAR as the Day of memory during the Civil War in the Far East. On this day, at various venues in the city center specialists of the Birobidzhan Regional Presidential Library conduct historical hours, evenings memory, virtual tours. February 12, 2015 in the premises of the reading room of the Sholom-Aleicham Regional Library took place the regular event called "Feat of Volochaevka is immortal" - a historical and patriotic hour for students.

The event was accompanied by a display of the electronic copies of unique local history materials of the Civil War: these are photos from the event and participants, posters, certificates guerrillas, etc. The originals of these documents are stored in the collections of the Regional Museum and the State Archives of the Jewish Autonomous Region.