Libraries and society: The project on the history of the region “Let’s make history together” launched in libraries of Novokuznetsk

9 February 2015

In the library system of Novokuznetsk was launched the project "Let’s make history together". The project includes a series of measures to ensure open access of Novokuznetsk citizens to local history knowledge and documents, to get acquainted with famous Novokuznetsk residents, the project contributes to sustainable cultural development of Novokuznetsk, popularizing information about famous countrymen.

The project is a part of the main events on the preparation and conduct in 2018 in Novokuznetsk of the 400 anniversary of the city.

The purpose of the project so the formation of civil position, the awakening of interest to the city history on local community, to draw attention to outstanding residents, to prepare to the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Novokuznetsk (2018), to improve the quality and comfort of library services.

The main themes of the project:

- Heroes of the book “One hundred Novokuznetsk citizens”.

- To the 400th anniversary of Novokuznetsk.

- Other one hundred Novokuznetsk citizens.

Forms of events of the project:

- meetings,

- quiz,

- presentation of local history books,

- contests.

The project is implemented from December 2014 until July 2018.