On the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory: "From Moscow to Konigsberg" exhibition in Klaipeda

2 February 2015

The opening of the exposition entitled "From Moscow to Konigsberg" took place with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad Region at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Klaipeda (Lithuania) at the round table dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the city’s liberation from Nazi invaders. Among the participants of this conference were the historians of Latvia and Lithuania, as well as S. A. Yakimov - director of the Kaliningrad Regional History and Art Museum, historian, Ph.D. In his speech, he touched upon a subject related to the national component of the Red Army, liberated the Memel town in January 1945, and the course of fighting operations, and in addition, introduced the audience to the new archival arrivals on this theme.

Prepared with the efforts of the Kaliningrad Regional History and Art Museum’s staff "From Moscow to Konigsberg" exhibition presents the work of frontline photojournalist Vasily Arkashev, which in 1936 was called up for military service in the army and went through the Great Patriotic War from the first to the last day. As a photographer representing the army newspaper named "Wipe Out the Foe!" and then the front newspaper called "The Red Army’s Pravda" he walked the way from Minsk to Moscow and from Moscow to Konigsberg. On captured photos is a combat history, which is, at the same time, an inspiring ode of valor of Soviet soldiers and partisans. Taken by V. I. Arkashev wartime pictures is in its own way a chronicle of the Great Patriotic War.