World culture: Graphics of Pablo Picasso presented at the exhibition in Arkhangelsk

27 March 2015

In the Arkhangelsk Museum of Fine Arts took place the opening of the large-scale exhibition of graphics of Pablo Picasso “Paragraphs”.

The State Museum Association “Art Culture of the Russian North” implements this project in conjunction with the “Art-Center in Perinnye Rows” of Saint-Petersburg.

The exhibition includes more than 60 lithographs from private collections of Germany, Belgium and France. The works present the main stages of master’s works: the early period, the blue period, analytical and synthetic cubism, sketches to the most famous works of the artist “Guernica”, a series of late work “Toros and toreros”, “War and Peace”.

Lithographs are located under the special glass museum, which allows you clearly seeing the smallest details of the image, and supplemented with information boards about the history, the details of the life and creative path of Pablo Picasso.