World libraries: Heads of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan visited the First President of Kazakhstan Library in Astana

23 March 2015

The presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan held a trilateral meeting in Astana – they visited the First President of Kazakhstan Library.

Heads of States toured the exposition of the library and talked to students and schoolchildren. After that all the leaders were handed library cards.

The First President of Kazakhstan Library opened on March 13, 2014 and houses more than 40,000 publications and 700 exhibits from Mr. Nazarbayev’s personal collection.

Through an electronic database of library readers can get access to 13.7 million sources of the World Electronic Library and the Global Electronic Journals Library.

Among the exhibits of the library a special place belongs to "Mobile Library of the Leader of the Nation", which contains 28 books of the President. The library is also a platform for international events and forums to discuss the achievements and prospects of development of Kazakhstan, the analysis of global issues related to the global initiative of the head of Kazakhstan.