The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The multimedia literary project launched in the Belgorod region

23 March 2015

The portal “BelPess” and the publishing house “World of Belogorye” launched a special multimedia project “The Year of Literature”, which frequency is once a month. The first issue of the “Year of Literature” was dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of A. P. Chekhov.

The multimedia project “The Year o literature” is dedicated to writers, directly or indirectly related to the Belgorod region.

The multimedia project is a collection of texts, photo and video, computer graphics and infographics, united by one theme: "The writer/poet and his relationship with the Belgorod region". Semantic center of each issue - video ("sounding text"): Belgorod, known in the fields of politics, economy, culture and sports, reading prose poems or fragments of the author, which is dedicated to the release. The production also involves video clips of the performances of local theaters, set on the works of authors considered and given video commentary philologists or librarians ("Bookshelf") to interesting nuances related to rare editions of the author or his world of ideas and values ​​embodied in prose or poetry. In addition, each issue presents the author saying and the context in which it arose ("Restore kontekst").

The issues dedicated to Boris Pasternak and Vasily Peskov are already published.

The heroes of future releases” Mikhail Sholokhov, Iosif Brodsky, Arkady Gaidar, Sergei Yesenin, Ivan Bunin and others.