Memory of the world: The photo exhibition “The First World War. The Russian army in France” in the Martial Chamber

16 March 2015

March 16, 2015 at the Museum "Russia during the Great War" in the Martial Chamber (Pushkin) is opening a photo exhibition "The First World War. The Russian Army in France". The exhibition is organized jointly with the French Institute.

Over twenty photos provided by the French Institute and the Agency for communication and audiovisual production of the French Ministry of Defence, tell about the history of the Russian Expeditionary Force in France.

After repeated requests by the French government, Nicholas II decided to send to the French front two Russian Special infantry brigades. In April 1916 the 1st Brigade, under the command of Major-General N. A. Lokhvitsky arrived in Marseille. Until the end of 1916 France sent another infantry brigade. Russian troops were enthusiastically received by both the country's population, and the French government.

In 1916-1917 the Russian soldiers took an active part in the hostilities in France, fighting bravely in the fields of Champagne.

After the revolutionary events of 1917, some soldiers returned to their homeland. Remaining in France and wished to take part in hostilities formed Russian volunteer corps, which went down in history as the Legion of Honor. The last Russian soldiers were demobilized in January 1921.