History of Saint-Petersburg: The exhibition “The city welcomes the winners”

13 March 2015

March 11, 2015 in the Narva Triumphal Arch (Saint-Petersburg) took place the opening of the exhibition “The city welcomes the winners”.

The exhibition tells of the celebrations, held on July 8, 1945, when the troops of the Leningrad Guards Corps triumphantly entered the city.

In honor of the return of heroes in just 7 days there were built arches of Victory, was held the parade on the Palace square, the fireworks and festivities. Leningrad residents met warriors with gifts and flowers.

Visitors will learn about paper reports of those days, rare photographs, provide by the State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents, as well as sketches of the unfinished projects of triumphal arches, which architects created during the worst days of the war, being in the shelter or at the front. The exhibition also features items of uniforms, weapons, army life, photographs of the Leningrad Front fighters.

The exhibition will be open until May 10.