Internet and history: The access to the collection of the State Defense Committee of the USSR to be open in the Web

11 March 2015

To the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Internet will be open access to the funds of the State Defense Committee of the USSR - the headquarters of the Great Patriotic War.

This was told by the Head of State Archive Andrei Artizov at a roundtable in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI). The debate was timed to the Day of archives, which is celebrated on March 10 and is dedicated to Soviet prisoners of war.

"Never in such a volume, these documents were not exposed, it will be our contribution to the preparation for the holiday", - said Artizov, speaking of the funds of the State Defense Committee of the USSR. In addition, according to the head of the agency, the work is going on digitizing catalogs of losses in the First World War - in electronic form everything will be transmitted in 2-2.5 years. He also recalled that in recent years it has been digitized all of Stalin's personal archive, which is located in RGASPI. Today almost 95% of the documents are declassified and available.

The round table was also attended by the speaker of the State Duma, Chairman of the Russian Historical Society (RIO), Sergei Naryshkin. Before the event he demonstrated unique documents and objects, among them - the chair of Karl Marx, a report on the death of his son Joseph Stalin in a German concentration camp, as well as caricatures of the members of the Politburo. Chairman of the Lower House of Parliament one of the first visited the new exhibition which tells the story of the heroism and the fate of Soviet prisoners - prisoners of concentration camps.