To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory: The Military-Historical Panorama “The Battle of Berlin. The Feat of Flag-bearers” opened in Saint-Petersburg

11 March 2015

March 11, 2015 in Saint-Petersburg, Lenexpo (pavilion № 5), is opened a three-dimensional military and historical panorama “The Battle of Berlin. The Feat of Flag-bearers”. 

The interactive panorama will tell about heroic way of Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, who have come down to Berlin, will allow touching the original things of wartime – uniform, weapons, equipment, household items and others. The viewer will see newsreel, stories of participants of storming Reichstag, recently published by premium sheets from the archive of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

The tour route, which paved the trenches among the sculptures of Soviet and German soldiers, will allow any category of visitors, including people with disabilities, to freely move within the exhibition. The exhibits are allowed exploring and touching.

The space of the exhibition hall is divided into several zones, which present the stages of the Battle of Berlin. The central exhibit is part of the façade of the Reichstag – is implemented a life-size with architectural elements, it is a ruined bas-relief with bullet hits and painted by Soviet soldiers columns. The preparatory work is produced by participants of the Searching movement of Russia) troop “Shlisselburg”).