The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The exhibition “Literary Encyclopedia in Sochi”
As part of the Year of the Literature the department of local history of the Sochi Central City Library has prepared a book-illustrative exhibition "Literary Encyclopedia of Sochi". Here are the books, articles, photographs, revealing biographical details of the lives of writers for whom Sochi became a place of long life or a short rest, joyful and meetings, a source of new impressions and inspired creativity.
The exhibition features a collection of publications of the N. A. Ostrovsky Literary and Memorial Museum, whose members collect and examine archives, letters, documents, related not only to the legacy of the Soviet writer Ostrovsky, and other Russian and foreign writers. Of particular interest is the museum collection "Little Literary Encyclopedia of Sochi". Articles-personnel identify the main motifs, images, descriptions, Sochi and its surroundings in the works, the fate of 65 writers – well-known and unjustly neglected.