Museums of Russia: The photo exhibition “The Light of Yasnaya Polyana” in the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve

6 March 2015

The photo exhibition “The Light of Yasnaya Polyana” opened at the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.

The manor “Yasnaya Polyana” – is the cradle and the grave of the great writer. Here on August 28, 1828 (old style) he was born and lived more than 60 years of the long 82 year old life. Most of his works were created in Yasnaya Polyana.

The manor itself and landscapes of its environs were the objects of philosophical and art reflections of Tolstoy, - they were favorite kind to his works. Numerous evidence of the writer’s deep attachment to Yasnaya Polyana is in facts of his life, and literary work.

Today the uniqueness of this place is in the authenticity of all the constituent elements of the manor complex. The disposition of the estate, architecture, landscape, interiors is carefully preserved in the form in which they had in 1910 - the last year of the writer's life.

The exhibition "Light of Yasnaya Polyana" – a chronicle of the history of the estate. These are photos taken during the life of Leo Tolstoy, captured the estate itself, its interiors, landscapes, guests of Yasnaya Polyana and the family of the writer. In addition, it presents the pictures that tell about the infancy of the museum, the difficult war stage, as well as the museum’s modern life.