World history: The traveling exhibition “Kanozer Petroglyphs” opens in the Republic of Karelia

4 March 2015

March 4, 2015 at the National Museum of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk) is opening the traveling exhibition “Kanozer Petroglyphs”.  Visitors await tours and video, which will help residents of Karelia to learn about little-known side of the spiritual culture of inhabitants of Lapland in the Stone Age. The exhibition continues the long-standing theme of the presentation at the exhibition areas of the National Museum of Karelia of different monuments of art of ancient people of Europe and Asia.

Rock carving images among archaeological monuments have a particular importance and status. A complex of petroglyphs Kanozer (the Umba River basin, the Kola Peninsula), without doubt, belongs to the most outstanding archaeological monuments of the European North.

Petroglyph complex at Kanozer is the last major discovery of monuments of ancient fine arts in the Northern Europe. “Sanctuary” is found by specialists of the regional museum of the village Revda in 1997. During the hard work Petersburg archaeologists discovered more than n1200 images, dated back 4-2 millennium BC.