Society and culture: The Interstate program “Voronezh – cultural capital of the CIS” launched

4 March 2015

By decision of the Council of Heads of CIS in 2015 the city of Voronezh and Kulyab (Tajikistan) are instructed to implement the interstate program "Cultural Capital of the Commonwealth".

In December, at the IX forum of creative and scientific intelligentsia of the CIS member states in Moscow with the participation of delegations of Voronezh and creative teams in the region was held a presentation of Voronezh as the cultural capital of the Commonwealth in 2015.

There was approved the organizing committee and was developed an action plan to implement the program "Voronezh - the cultural capital of the CIS".

This year Voronezh will host an open international contest of young performers "Concert Orchestra", the II International Youth Festival of Contemporary Music "Accord", the International Festival of choreographic schools pupils of the CIS "Art of Dance", the Festival of Contemporary Art "Black earth", festivals of national cultures "Multinational Voronezh", "Jazz Province".

Voronezh residents and guests are waiting for the Mandelstam Poetry Festival and the Literature Festival "National literature of post-Soviet countries of the CIS". Victory Day is preparing military-historical reconstruction "Heirs of the Great Victory", involving participants from the CIS countries. There will be held exhibitions of the funds of the Russian Academy of Arts, the exhibition of handicrafts and decorative arts, paintings and decorative arts from the State Museum of Oriental Art. During the V Plato Arts Festival their performances will be shown by theater companies of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Armenia. The international exhibition "Voronezh - Garden City" and the Academic plain air at home of I. N. Kramskoy.

In early March, will be held events of Homepage week program "Voronezh - the cultural capital of the CIS".

For example, in the I. S. Nikitin Voronezh Regional Literary Museum was opened an exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. "Vasil Bykov. Long way home …" from the State Museum of the History of the Belarusian literature (Minsk).

The exhibition presents materials on the work and life of V. Bykov: photos, drawings, archival sources, books and graphic illustrations. March 2 in Voronezh started working the international design and analytical seminar "Museum in the system of regional tourism".

These events served as a decent start program "Voronezh - the cultural capital of the CIS" and showed that Voronezh and guests are waiting for a lot more interesting developments in the field of art and culture.