Museums of Russia: The exhibition “New life of old masters” is part of the exposition of the future Museum campus of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) on March 3, 2015 presents the exhibition "New life of old masters". This large-scale project helps the Museum to open a series of exhibitions dedicated to the future museum campus, the next stage of the construction of which began in August 2014. Viewers will see works by Spanish, German and Austrian artists who will be part of future permanent exhibition of Art Gallery of Old Masters. Gallery opened in 2019 in the manor Vyazemskys-Dolgorukov and will be one of the components of the Museum of the town. At the exhibition area of six thousand square meters will be presented pictures of the greatest artists of the XIII - early XIX centuries of all major European schools of painting from the collection of the Pushkin Museum. After completion of the work in the new exhibition halls visitors can also see works of sculpture, decorative arts, drawing of the same time.
The exhibition "New life of old masters" features paintings of the Spanish Golden Age and the best works of German and Austrian art of the XVII - early XIX centuries. Today, due to limited exhibition space, works of the masters of these three schools are practically absent in the museum's permanent exposition.
Among the works on display - a series of program activities that are essential for the understanding of the creative biography of a painter. The exhibition "New life of old masters" for the first time allows us to see in such a large volume paintings, extracted from the vaults of the Museum. At the same time it serves as a convincing demonstration available at the Museum of the vast artistic resources and potential development opportunities that will soon be widely used in the formation of the structure of the new exhibition, which will be deployed in the building of the gallery of art of old masters.