Exhibitions: The exposition “The Great Patriotic War: memory and art” from the collection of the Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts in Astrakhan

29 April 2015

April 29, 2015 in the P. M. Dogadin Astrakhan Art Gallery is opened an exhibition from the funds of the I. I. Mashkov Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts "The Great Patriotic War: Memory and Art" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. For the first time Astrakhan viewers will be introduced to the Volgograd collection, which is one of the most extensive and multifaceted among regional museums of Russia. The exhibition project presents 75 paintings, drawings, sculptures, which were created by the famous Soviet artists of the front generation.

Most of the exhibited paintings were made in the post-war years by the Volgograd front artists. The concept of the exhibition is based on the traditional chronological principle of exhibiting works of art. The viewer is able to consistently introduce thematic shift in emphasis and style of works from the 1940s to the beginning of the 2000s. Fixing the war, remembering the war and recalling the war, artists of different generations glorified the world and the people who survived and won.

This exhibition project invites comparing spiritual values, formed by the generation of winners with the modernity and to understand, how important the art in the preservation of memory of the Great Patriotic War is.