To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory: The exhibition “When we were at war…” in Saratov

25 April 2015

The Saratov Regional Museum hosted a presentation of the exhibition "When we were at war…", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The exhibition presents materials of the residents of Saratov - participants of the war. Most of the exhibits are presented at the exhibition for the first time. These are materials of the Hero of the Soviet Union C. G. Ufimtsev, who differed in crossing the Dnieper. It was he who paved the telephone cable across the river and established contact with the command of the springboard. The photos and pilot logbook of Hero of the Soviet Union V. F. Hohlachyov, committed in 1944 139, are presented. The exhibition presents materials of the Dryagin family: family photos, a letter to the front Irina Dryagina from the mother, flight goggles and captain Victor Dryagina straps pilot, who died in 1943.

One of sets is dedicated to tankers A. D. Barsukov and V. I. Medvedev. Starting service in the Far East, they are the personal funds acquired T-34 tank "Amurovets", which reached Berlin. A unique exhibit is a true tablet with the names of the tank crew. The photograph, peakless cap and jumper cadet school apprentices on the Solovetsky Islands V. V. Kostryukov who at the end of the war, participated in demining the Northern Sea Route is exhibited.