Electronic resources: Electronic database of participants of the war is donated to the Great Patriotic War Museums of Tatarstan

22 April 2015

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War of Tatarstan is solemnly donated an electronic database for the natives of the Republic of Tatarstan, participated in the Great Patriotic War and awarded with government awards for combat exploits, as well as the dead and missing.

The solemn ceremony of the electronic database was held in Moscow within the framework of the First Moscow Youth Forum “Bridge Moscow – Tatarstan”.

The electronic database was formed by the “Electronic Archive” Corporation of two electronic documents of database: “The feat of the peoples during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945” and the “Memorial”. 

Using open Internet resources “Memorial” and “Feat of the peoples”, today every Tatarstan citizen can trace the battle way of his beloved – participants of the Great Patriotic War.