Internet and culture: The exhibition of works of front artists opened at the Ministry of Defense of Russia website

22 April 2015

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War at the official website of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is opened a unique exhibition of works by artists of "Frontline figure".

This is a joint creative project of the Press and Information of the Ministry of Defense and the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, which discloses a previously little-known side of the military culture, 1941-1945.

Frontline figure covers various aspects of life of those terrible years. Here is the besieged-hero city of Leningrad, which became a front road of war, portraits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, made directly to the operating units, scenes depicting everyday life of soldiers, the atrocities of the enemy in our land.

During the Great Patriotic War there were called and volunteered to the front more than 900 members of the Union of Soviet Artists. Many of them were wounded at the front, laid down their lives for the freedom of our country. The war became a battle-drama school of art.

The funds of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces contain the rich collection of front-line drawings. Museum staff and the Office press service held a large-scale research and artistic work - to reveal the history of various drawings and sketches, determine the place and time of battle scenes and scenes, to find biographies of many soldiers depicted in the portraits.

As a result, at the official website of the military department appeared a peculiar portrait gallery of heroes of the Great Patriotic War, as well as front-line exhibition of landscapes, paintings of battles.