History and culture: The exhibition, dedicated to the history of the M. I. Kutuzov House-Museum, opened in Saint-Petersburg

21 April 2015

The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg) hosts the exhibition "Buntslau. Spring 1945".

Patrons of the Museum of Artillery are familiar with the exposition dedicated to a commander and state activities of Mikhail Kutuzov, which a central place belongs to the collection of furnishings that were in the room where M. I. Kutuzov died. Once they were part of a collection of house-museum of the famous commander in the Polish city Buntslau. For information on how to configure it, the museum collection, about how to open a museum in Poland liberated by Soviet troops, and on how to save unique exhibits already in peacetime, is designed to tell the new exhibition.  

In 1991, in accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR Museum was relocated to St. Petersburg with the transfer of staff and assets in the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps.

The exhibition "Buntslau. Spring 1945" presents the personal weapon of the Hero of the Soviet Union Sergeant P. M. Zaitsev, repeated the feat of A. Matrosov, the former head of the political department of the 147th Army cannon artillery brigade A. N. Ipatov, battle banners parts liberated Buntslau in 1945, book reviews the first visitors to the M. I. Kutuzov House-Museum, front-line newspaper, unique photographs telling the exposition of the House-Museum, memorial of Kutuzov and others.

The exhibition "Buntslau. Spring 1945" will run until the end of May.