The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

17 April 2015

The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with a digital copy of the "Atlas of the battles of the XIX century" provided by the State Public Historical Library.

The second edition of the "Atlas of the battles of the XIX century" in the 20 editions is a translation in Russian available in both military and scientific committee of the General Staff of the German language from the 1830s dispersed collections of maps and plans of military campaigns armies of the world in the XIX century.

The translator of this publication is Viktor Ivanovich Chekmaryov (1861-1939) - Lieutenant-General (1912), a prominent military leader of the Russian Imperial Army, a historian, a member of the First World War and the White movement in the south of Russia, then in exile. Since 1894, occupying the post of clerk, chief clerk and then the office of the military-scientific committee of the General Staff, Colonel General Staff Chekmaryov as a result of hard work put together "Atlas of the battles of the XIX century", each issue of which is devoted to one or more of the military campaigns in Europe, Asia and America. The atlas contains a detailed description of the location of troops and progress fighting enemies, the chronology of events, equipped with maps and battle plans. 

Issue 1. 1894

1. Russian-Turkish campaign in Bulgaria and Rumelia, 1877-78.

2. Battle at Lovche

3. Battle at Shiloh on 6 and 7 August 1862

4. Battle at Shpiherne on August 6, 1870.

Issue 2. 1895

1. The first battle of Plevna 8/20 July 1877

2. Battle at Skalica on June 28, 1866

3. Battle at River Bull-Run July 21, 1861

Issue 3. 1898

Attack the fortified camp near Plevna August 26-31 / 7-12 September 1877.

Issue 4. 1894

1. Battle for Shipka pass from 5 July to 28 December 1877

2. Battle at Colombei-Nulia (Borni). August 14, 1870.

Issue 5. 1894

1.Battle at Vionvil-Mars la Tour August 16, 1870
2.Battle on r. Alma 8/20 September 1854
3.Battle at Balaclava 13/25 October 1854

Issue 6. 1894

Сражение при Гравелот-С.-Прива 18 августа 1870 г. 

Issue 7. 1894

1.Battle at Inkerman October 24 / November 5, 1854
2.Battle at Langensalza June 27, 1866
3.Battle at Murfreesboro December 31, 1862

Issue 8. 1896

1. Battle at Gatchina at June 29, 1866
2.Battle and occupation of n Donnellson February 15, 1862
3.Battle at Missunde February 2, 1864

Вып. 9 и 10. 1896

1. Battle at Custoza June 24, 1866
2.Siege of Sevastopol on 17/29 September 1854 until August 27 / September 8, 1855
3.Battle on river Black 4/16 August 1855

Issue 11. 1896

1. Siege of Varna on 24 July / August 5 to September 29 / October 11, 1828
2.Battle at Kulevchi May 30th / 11th June 1829
3.Battle at Magenta June 4, 1859

Issue 12. 1897

1. Siege of Braila from 29 April / 11 May until 6/18 June 1828
2.Siege of Silistra in 1828 and 1829.
Events and fighting near Metz from the beginning of taxation to surrender. From 19 August to 27 October 1870

Issue 13. 189-?

Battle at Solferino 24 June 1859

Issue 14/15. 1899

1. Storm at Kars June 23 / July 5, 1828
2.Battle at Perrivile October 8, 1862
3.Battle at Keniggretse July 3, 1866

Issue 16. 1899

1. East War 1853-56 in Europe, and Asia
2.Battle in Ober-Selcuk and Yagel February 3, 1864
3.Battle at Montebello May 20, 1859

Issue 17/18. 189-?

1.Storm of Akhaltsikh 15/27 August 1828
2.Battle at Beaumont August 30, 1870
3.Events and battles near Metz. From the beginning of taxation to surrender. From 19 August to 27 October 1870

Issue 19. 189-?

1.Battle at Melegnano June 8, 1859
2.Battle at Shveynshedele June 29, 1866
3.Siege of Sevastopol on 17/29 September 1854 to 27 August / September 8, 1855

Issue 20. 189-?

1. Battle at Palestro 31 May 1859
2.Battle at Kainly June 19 (July 1) 1829
3.March in Northern Virginia in August 1862

The preparation of new materials will be continued.