Internet and history: The virtual exhibition of the Great Patriotic War posters at the website of the Irkutsk Regional Museum

17 April 2015

At the website of the Irkutsk Regional Museum in the section “Virtual Museum” is posted the exhibition of the Great Patriotic War posters.

The museum collection stores an extensive collection of posters of the Great Patriotic War. It covers the whole period of war from its beginning until the victorious end on May 9, 2945.

In a Far from fighting Siberia during the first months of the war there were posters, slogans that called to gather strength and have faith in victory. In the summer of 1941 the publishing house "Art" has produced a series of posters-appeals.

In the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War the propaganda posters produced were released by News bureau and were hung on the houses, factories and streets. They reflect the situation at the front and in the rear, and are a powerful means of agitation and propaganda, acting on the mind and mood of the people in order to encourage them to political, labor, or other activities.