Internet and history: The electronic “Book of Memory” presented at the website o the Stavropol Regional Scientific Library

15 April 2015

The electronic version of the “Book of memory” will be presented to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Anyone can learn about the edition at the portal книга-памяти.рф or the official website of the M. Y. Lermontov Universal Scientific Library.

The printed “Book of Memory of the Stavropol Krai” was first released in 1994 and includes 21 volumes, which contains information about 290 thousand of Stavropol reisdents who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

The creation of an electronic analog of books was initiated by members of the editorial board of the Great Patriotic War V. V. Gosdanker and P. I. Dvinsky. Specialists of the Lermontov Library worked over the electronic version of the book for two years.