The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The exhibition “The Anniversary book: “Song of Igor’s Campaign” in Tyumen

10 April 2015

April 9, 2015, in the Year of Literature in Russia, the I. Y. Slovtsov Museum Complex (Tyumen) presents the exhibition "The Anniversary book: "Song of Igor’s Campaign" (monument of ancient literature of the XII century) in the Museum-Estate of Kolokolnikovs.

The book, presented at the exhibition, - is a stylized reproduction of the first edition of "Song". In addition to handwriting works will be showcased monuments of the fine arts, immersing in the events of a chronicle.

The history of the discovery and publication of the work is mysterious. The manuscript in the list of the XVI century was found in one of the oldest monasteries, and then it was kept in the library of Count M. I. Musin-Pushkin, who gave it to Catherine II. During a fire in Moscow in 1812, it burned down. It was preserved not its original, but the list of the original, made in the XVIII century.

This unique monument of ancient Russian literature worried minds of many historians, poets, lovers of antiquity. The basic idea of "Song" is the author's appeal to the princes to unite for the good of the Russian land and together stand against Polovtsian. High idea of "Song", the connection with the urgent demands of the people's life, excellent craftsmanship, which manifests itself in the finishing of the smallest detail of the text, - all this provided the monument with one of the first places among the great works of the world literature.